

Self Blessing

When God created the universe and created man and woman , the first thing I did was bless them . In addition to all human beings between heaven and earth to enjoy the rich , but also human responsibility and care given to the negative , it is necessary we can really control the land . Shows that access to the so-called real blessing , not just idle nothing to do , but to pay attention to the environment and things , and make the care management responsibilities , while also working hard , enjoying the delicious and sweet .

So true blessing if we are to ourselves, in addition to first understand their precious value in the eyes of God , good build optimistic, positive, and confident direction in life , we have to do more substantial in all respects , not only make your life Continuous improvement , regularly updated and can bring benefit to others or things . If therefore we desire to be blessed , is not banking on all day long in life , always the element of surprise to encounter " honored person "or" adventure , " On the contrary , it touches to keep blessing themselves, so that my mind filled with kerosene lamps , not only Enjoy enriching the lives of others can be warm and light , good to be a blessing for people transfer and became a live environment for every blessing .

Appropriate blessings

But sometimes we all anxiously looking forward to , can bring their spouses or children of those blessings , but often had touched avenues of frustration , in because the other party not appreciate the attitude , or a strong rebound in the sense of intense sorrow sorry Time , may wish to consider our wishes for a spouse or children are a blessing , and whether their personality , interests, and to match it ?

One of the Bible 's first Zuya the Israelis , when he was 12 when his son blessing is in accordance with each of the " blessing " for their blessing , that is, according to their different personality and behavioral characteristics Were to wish for their future and the future . So we should believe that when God created us , have already taken down a special blessing bestowed , because these blessings , we all have different temperaments , preferences , and talents, we will also take these features for our Themselves, their family , friends, and even exposed to the environment and matters directly or indirectly, in real terms to bring blessings .

Assistance and support

With this knowledge , we then will not be easily made under the vision , attempting to mold their spouses as a "model sir " or " standard of the wife , " the sons and daughters will not be strong default behavior of the blueprint of life or wanton Press maltreatment . But can use a grateful heart , learn to observe the exploration of God in them, there are a special blessing and gift , and then often positive words to encourage and help them strive to play strong points ; and when their fear, frustration , to cheer the provision of effective assistance and support.

While many of the narrow world view , so long as to have beautiful , intelligent, knowledge , and everything goes well, is to embrace blessing . It was all alone but also more broad vision and wisdom , can sometimes To know the weaknesses and deficiencies , but under the make-up of God 's blessings , the so-called " blessing in disguise , no bad thing " , not that what this means?

Blessing from God 's nature , and " help "and" help "is the most under God "substantial "and" blessing ", so if we can full of gratitude , to look at themselves and the environment, will find In fact, all the most " real " blessing , had little by little spread to every corner of our walking path . Also relied on these blessings , we can have active lives, capable of life and abundance of love , God and the world to sing out , " Lord Blessings "and praise praise chant .

