

He believed God is the traffic in

God's faithfulness , not only in our lives give us great encouragement to the faith of God is our life , has brought great challenges. Traffic over the previous chapter , in which God's attributes , some are alone some of his own , can not share with us . But we thank the Lord ! In God's attributes inside , some of what he is willing to share with us . God willing we took part with his holiness . God is against every child of God , God, what a hope , we are also partaker of His faithfulness . We are all God's steward , steward God 's requirements? Corinthians there told us: " it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful . " ( 2 Corinthians 4 ) is that God requires our loyalty ( faithfulness ) .

Four chapters in Matthew 20 , where we can see that God "who is faithful and wise servant "( 45 ) . Five chapters in Matthew 20 , where we hope is that one day we can for our Lord said: " thou good and faithful servant . " ( 21,23 section ) in the Revelation which God The promise : "You Be faithful until death , I will give you the crown of life . " ( 2 10) how the hope of God , God's children are credible . I am a little burden , we should learn today Zenmeyangzuo a loyal person , starting from a small school .

God created an orderly universe is how God created the universe is how the faithful . 've Been to Yellowstone Park, told us that there was a anything? Fountain called old Faithful . Even this way of creature , can be faithful . Christians today do you and I , we today have a wrong idea , we think the anointing of the people obey , do not need any rules , without any order, I have moved, I am pleased to pray the prayer . Do not move , I do not pray . I have moved on reading the Bible, I have not touched I do not read the Bible ; I was a little touched by the ministry to do something tomorrow if I am unhappy , I will not do , and then a very spiritual saying: "There is no grace Ointment led . " I am not saying we should not follow the anointing , but do not forget , our God is a faithful hope in our people in our lives today, the most basic little things , our faithful it?

I read through your life with faithfulness is not faithful ? Several part-time evening meal was to lose his temper , there had never seen such a person? Seen , is not it ! We are reading, reading twice a week , Friday the first time , Sunday reading time, we call this faithful it? Brothers and sisters , do not say that in God 's house , in today's era, if the trains are not punctual , the train to collision . If the aircraft is not punctual , but also a big problem , big problem , do not know how many losses . I do not know how you come together like the case , I rarely see a gathering of brothers and sisters party on time . We must learn loyalty, starting from a small school .

Brothers and sisters in China , if it is 10 o'clock meeting , you go to nine o'clock , too late , no seat , stood outside it! Those brothers and sisters , no cars are allowed , some riding bicycles , there are brothers and sisters is the bus number 11 ( walking ) , not five minutes , ten minutes of the road , one or two hours of the road ! I deeply feel that North American Christians , in the faithful on this issue , we must repent . This is not about events of these challenges. We are against the Lord , our reading, our prayers , our ministry , we are not reliable ? We are faithful it? If we have not been faithful in little things , who the event over to us? We are in the couple's relationship , we loyal to it? We do against our faithful sons and daughters ? We work with the faithful against the church do ? We are faithful brothers and sisters against it? We are against our Lord , how we need His mercy on us. Ask Him to have mercy on us , let us make a further , good and faithful servant !

