Complete surrender to James , not his own , but God came with his wrestling . The purpose of wrestling is to subdue opponents with strength , until he could not move , hand over to the winner to concede defeat so far . Jacob powerful than most people , God still conquer him. When he refused to surrender , God " touched " him one . By the touch , he did a great effort again things can not be completed .
Thigh is the most powerful body , and is one the most appropriate symbol of the natural strength . Between you and I may be stubborn and Jacob 's not the same. Ambition , bragging , self-serving - everyone has a stubborn personality . However, should this tenacious personality rubbed off on each of us , the key is a kind of experience . On the surface, James appears to have been defeated, but God says that he and God and with men are victorious . This is when we hit in complete surrender to God after the hit , what happened .